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We offer a range of small business solutions that will help you reach and keep customers engaged.

Websites & Digital Strategy

We can create your online presence with a tailored strategy that enables customers to find and engage with your business.

Market Research

To blog or not to blog and how many times a day should you Instagram?  We can take the mystery out of creating and managing content on your website, blog and social media.

Strategic Planning

Launching a new business or taking your existing business in a new direction?  We specialise in developing strategic marketing and PR plans that don't just grab attention but keep it.

Launches & Events

It's hard work attracting attention and customers! Events help you keep that personal touch with customers. We project manage event strategies from costings, to marketing to execution.

Social Media

Social Media platforms are constantly changing in the blink of an eye.  Small businesses rarely have the time to keep up.  We help you determine which media is best for your business to engage with customers.

Pitching & Proposals 

Whether you are presenting to prospective clients, seeking grant funding or entering industry awards, we can build your approach strategy and write your submission.

© 2018 Clare Atherden.  Small Business Solutions

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